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*Update* The process of transferring is taking a bit longer than planned. I am working hard to get it perfect, and will of course let you know when it is ready! x.

Hey babes! I hope you had a great weekend and are as excited about tomorrow’s launch of the new design of Punkrockparti as I am! Now since the switch is a big change and I will be moving platforms, I want to make sure that those of you who follow along will stick around :]

So here’s the deal:

If you follow Punkrockparti by email: Email follows are currently run through WordPress, and I will be switching to Squarespace tomorrow. I will still have an option to ‘subscribe by email’ but you will need to re-subscribe once I am on the new platform.

SO. If you are an email follower, please log-on to the site sometime this week and sign up for my email list again! I would hate to lose you!

If you happen to forget or are looking for other ways to keep up with me, here are some great options:

– Follow through Bloglovin’

– Like my Facebook page

– Follow me on Twitter@punkrockparti

– Keep up with me on Instagram: @punkrockparti

– Or follow me on Tumblr

I hope that is clear and that you guys will transition with me and love the new look! I’ll see you tomorrow! x. Paige




So I’m aware that we’re well into January by now, but alas, I was traveling and knew that my New Years Resolutions would be on the back burner until I was settled again in Copenhagen. Now that I am back and have had some time to work, I want to share my new plans + goals for Punkrockparti for 2014!

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Here we go:

Goal #1: First of all, as you may have guessed from the updated logo above, Punkrockparti is getting a new look! This is something I had planned to do in the summer, but I started daydreaming about it on vacation and redesigned not only the logo, but the entire site, myself this past week before school started. I will also be switching blogging platforms [scary, I know!] so I will be sure to put an update out about that tomorrow so that I don’t lose any of you lovely followers! My goal is to launch the new site on Monday and I am very very excited, so stay tuned!

– My next goals relate to the content of, and who I want to be as a blogger and where I will focus my time. First, I still plan on blogging as much as I typically do, about 5 times a week. However, I have felt inspired lately to write about more things that I am interested in. Here are some of my thoughts:

Goal #2: For a long time I have felt that the focus of this blog was mainly my personal style, with a bit of art + architecture thrown in. Since I have been traveling quite a bit and living in Copenhagen I feel that I have a pretty unique perspective on architecture and urban living, and I want to share more about that. I of course still plan to blog about my personal style, but I would love to see the posts become way more lifestyle based and talk about the neighborhood I am in or the event I am at!

*So, if you are one of my fashion-loving-readers, please stick with me! There will be some new content but it will always be an important aspect of this blog. I also share a lot of my fashion finds on Instagram, @punkrockparti, so keep up with me there!

Goal #3: Another new perspective I will gain is from interning with an urban renewal organization this semester, and that is a topic I have become very interested in. It is an exciting position that I plan to blog about after the launch, and I would like to continue sharing my discoveries on the blog.

Goal #4: As an architecture student, I would like to continue sharing my knowledge + advice with you. One of my post successful posts was How to Stay Motivated as an Architecture Student, and I just recently launched my advice video about the same topic, which you can watch on Youtube. I find that there is a lack of advice or just general blogging about architecture school, and I would like to change that!

Goal #5: Finally, some of my favorite posts in 2013 were the interviews I held with designers + also architects. With the launch of the new site, I have a couple of great interviews lined up with really fascinating people in the design world, that I hope you will love as well.

Alright, still with me? I sure hope so! I know that it may sound like I may be making a lot of big changes, but I think this will only lead to better blog posts + more interesting content in 2014. I hope that you’ll get excited for the new site to launch Monday and will see what kind of new posts will be coming your way in the new year.

I love you all + you reading along with me means the world! I really hope to see you around still. Check back this weekend for some reminders on how you can still follow along, and I’ll see you on the new on Monday! x. Paige


I thought that it was about time we started getting some curated playlists up in here. I mean, this blog is called Punkrockparti, right? Since this is the first playlist I’m sharing on the blog, I’ve kept it simple and just shared a selection of what I’ve been listening to lately, but in the future I’ll be creating ones with themes and such. Until then, tune out with your favorite headphones, and enjoy!


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In case you haven’t heard, Google Reader will be shutting down in just a couple days. In case any of you follow my blog through there, I wanted to give you a few options to make sure to keep you around, because I’m so happy you’re here!


My favorite way to stay updated with blogs is Bloglovin‘. I love that I never miss any posts from my blogger list, and it also helps me discover new content! You can follow Punkrockparti here to keep in touch!


If you’re looking for another method, Punkrockparti is also on Facebook and Instagram. These platforms may already be part of your normal routine, and I often post content on there that you won’t find in my daily posts (like the photo above).

Thank you so much for being a reader, and I look forward what lies ahead for this blog!

xo, Paige

Hi everyone! Long time no post! I’m sorry to have been MIA these past few days. I was on a field trip in San Diego this weekend and didn’t bring my computer with me or really have time to blog because I was busy seeing some great architecture and doing studio tours. But, now I’m back and will be doing a post very soon about what i wore/saw/did while I was there. In the meantime, I wanted to let you all know that I have added a Press page to the top of the punkrockparti blog! It currently has 2 instances where I have been featured, and I’m looking forward to adding more in the future!

xo, here’s a little preview from my trip in SD, hope you had a great weekend as well!